Materiality Analysis

To critically assess and further develop our Sustainability Strategy, it is essential to define the relevant sustainability topics. As part of a double materiality analysis, both the inside-out and outside-in perspectives were considered. These perspectives will become mandatory components of sustainability reporting for large companies with the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in 2026. The inside-out perspective focuses on the positive and negative impacts of our business activities on the environment and society, while the outside-in perspective emphasizes the opportunities and risks that sustainability topics pose to our business outcomes. A stakeholder dialogue and internal workshops formed the basis for the classification of these sustainability topics.

The materiality analysis covers the areas of environment, social responsibility, and governance. With regard to the environment, topics such as climate and environmental protection, as well as resources related to water, waste, and circular economy, are of central importance. From a social perspective, our primary focus is on our own workforce and their working conditions, as well as workers along the value chain. The impact on consumers and end users is also considered. In the governance category, we focus on compliance and corporate policy. 

SÜDPACK Materiality Matrix

The attached graphic shows which topics we consider to be material.